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Area’s What We Do?

Area’s we operate:

Residential Theaters, Club house Theaters, Semi commercial Theaters, Pre-view Theaters, Commercial Cinema Halls.

When it come to Residential/ Semi commercial / Club house entertainment theater system it is actually not simple, as you probably know how detail-oriented a process it is. Most of the customers probably don’t have the time or the skill to undertake such a project and people often forget the amount of knowledge and research required to attempt such a project.

What we Do?

We directly work with Customers or through Architects and designers. We break down the project into 3 main steps

Step 1:

We engage initial conversations with our clients to understand

  • Purpose of the project
  • Technology interested
  • Budget, etc

Step 2:

  • Calculate various parameters on Acoustical need and AV Gears
  • Design and provide solutions based on the input and calculation
  • Give you various options w.r.t to Technology and design working around your investment and budget consideration.

Step 3:

  • Supply required Acoustics / AV gears and all accessories as recommended
  • Handle everything from design to commissioning your project from scratch-till End on Turnkey basis with right technology and manpower.