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Why Acoustics

Acoustics???  What is in it and why do that treatment?

  • Acoustics in a lay man terms is to tame the sonic energy with in an enclosed environment.
  • Acoustic treatment is meant to control the sound quality within a room, and not isolation.
  • Poor Room Dimensions and physical structure of the room.
  • Items and their placement within the room environment.
  • Prototyping the Multiplex Cinema in your space.
  • Expensive electronics alone cannot buy you a great movie experience. The acoustics of a room is a vital component of a home theater system.
  • In fact, an excellent system in an untreated room will have poorer sound quality than an average system in a treated room.
  • In simple terms even with an expensive high-end gear, you can’t achieve optimum audio performance without paying attention to the acoustics.
  • It’s like a cricket pitch, if the pitch(Acoustically treated room) is bad no matter what best the batsman or bowler (Audio Video equipment) are, they suffer the game(movie experience).
  • By treating the room you reduce the overall Cost of your project without compromising on standards and quality.
  • Dynamic sonic reproduction, a controlled sound environment like a professional Multiplex style.
  • A Theater which provides articulated intelligible, undistorted crisp, clean and balanced sonic performance.
  • BEWARE Untreated / Over treated/ under treated rooms have their own distorted sonic signature and are never acoustically correct

Challenges in today’s market place:

Today to our knowledge and experience,

  • Its very difficult to identify a professional as everyone calls themselves as one, however reality is Hardly there are few real professionals out in the field who are executing these projects following standards the rest are those who call themselves professionals.
  • Projects are more commercialized than giving a valuable proposition and solutions;
  • Poor customers are taken for granted due to lack of enough knowledge on this subject.
  • Majority of the suppliers and the solution providers are more interested in promoting and forcing their own products.
  • No analysis done on the given situation to provide correct solution and customer satisfaction.
  • Many customers are not happy with the outcome but to compromise with the audio / video quality in spite of investing lots of money post implementation.
  • Due to which the dedicated theaters remain closed as dead room (Hardly used) after a while of attraction in the beginning days of commissioning.
  • True enthusiasts invest lacks of rupees again to do the corrections after the damage is done.
  • People (customers) think the home theater is nothing but audio and video system. In reality they only contribute to 40% of the overall Theater requirement itself.
  • Customers/consumers do not show any importance on dos and don’ts at the designing stage which is very critical for serious theater Lovers.

So what is the typical weight age given for acceptable standards?

 Acoustics Vs A/V gears



The sad reality is the customer and the solution providers are not focusing on Acoustics and other factors as much as they focus on interiors and aesthetics (5%).